Epicyclic gear of arithmometer

Muse­ums and archives

Model of the epicyclic gear is stored in the Musée des arts et métiers du Con­ser­va­toire national des arts et métiers (Paris, France), CNAM № 12440-0000.


V. G. von Bool. Tcheby­shev's arith­mome­ter // Izvestiya of the Impe­r­ial Soci­ety of Devo­tees of Nat­ural Sci­ences, Anthro­pol­ogy, and Ethnog­ra­phy, affil­i­ated with the Impe­r­ial Moscow Uni­ver­sity. XCI, iss. 1. Pro­ceed­ings of the physics depart­ment of the soci­ety of devo­tees of nat­ural sci­ences. 1894. Vol. 7, iss. 1. P. 12–22. (Russ­ian)

V. G. von Bool. Tcheby­shev's arith­mome­ter // Vest­nik of exper­i­men­tal physics and ele­men­tary math­e­mat­ics. 1895. Semes­ter XVIII, №. 205, P. 5–10; №. 207, P. 52–56; №. 210, P. 134–141. (Russ­ian)

Other sources

Arith­mome­ter. Sec­ond model with the mul­ti­ply­ing attach­ment.

Let­ter of the 14th June 1883 from the direc­tor of the Con­ser­va­toire National des Arts et Métiers (National Con­ser­va­tory of Arts and Crafts) to P. L. Tcheby­shev (about the dona­tion of the sec­ond model of the arith­mome­ter and epicyclic gear mech­a­nism; In French; Archive of the RAS, fonds 505, opis 1, № 107).

Let­ter of V. G. von Bool to P. L. Tcheby­shev (about an arti­cle on the sec­ond model of the arith­mome­ter; Archive of the RAS, fonds 505, opis 1, № 56). (Russ­ian)

All Mechanisms

Model by Tchebyshev (CNAM)
Model by Tchebyshev (CNAM)
Model by Tchebyshev (CNAM)
Model by Tchebyshev (CNAM)