Centrifugal governor

Muse­ums and archives

Mech­a­nisms are stored at the The­ory of Machines and Mech­a­nisms Depart­ment of Bau­man Moscow State Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­sity (Moscow, Rus­sia).

Mech­a­nism is stored at the Depart­ment of Math­e­mat­ics and Mechan­ics of Saint Peters­burg State Uni­ver­sity (Peter­hof, Rus­sia).

Orig­i­nal papers by Tcheby­shev

On the cen­trifu­gal gov­er­nor / After: The com­plete works of P. L. Tcheby­shev. Vol. IV. The­ory of mech­a­nisms. — Moscow-Leningrad: AS USSR. 1948. P. 37–53. (Russ­ian)

All Mechanisms

Model by Tchebyshev (Bauman Technical University)
Model by Tchebyshev (Bauman Technical University)
Model by Tchebyshev (Museum of St. Petersburg University)
Model by Tchebyshev (Museum of St. Petersburg University)
Model by Tchebyshev (Museum of St. Petersburg University)
Model by Tchebyshev (reproduction)
Model by Tchebyshev (reproduction)
Model by Tchebyshev (reproduction)