Mechanisms are stored at the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms Department of Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia).
Mechanism is stored at the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics of Saint Petersburg State University (Peterhof, Russia).
On the centrifugal governor / After: The complete works of P. L. Tchebyshev. Vol. IV. Theory of mechanisms. — Moscow-Leningrad: AS USSR. 1948. P. 37–53. (Russian)
I. I. Artobolevsky, N. I. Levitsky. Tchebyshev's Mechanisms / In: P. L. Tchebyshev’s Scientific Heritage. Iss. 2. Theory of mechanisms. — Moscow-Leningrad: AS USSR. 1945. P. 72–73. (Russian)
I. I. Artobolevsky, N. I. Levitsky. Models of mechanisms of P. L. Tchebyshev / In: The complete works of P. L. Tchebyshev. Vol. IV. Theory of mechanisms. — Moscow-Leningrad: AS USSR. 1948. P. 236. (Russian)
Inventory book of the Practical Mechanics Cabinet of the University of Saint Petersburg (1865—1928).
N. A. Manychkin, M. K. Sakharov, V. B. Tarabarin. The models of centrifugal governors in the collection of Bauman Moscow State Technical University // Science and education. 2011. № 10. (Russian)
Geometric 3D model by Mathematical Etudes.