One-dwell mechanism

Muse­ums and archives

Mech­a­nism is stored in the Poly­tech­nic Museum (Moscow, Rus­sia); fund repos­i­tory, PM № 19464.

Mech­a­nism is stored in the Musée des arts et métiers du Con­ser­va­toire national des arts et métiers (Paris, France); CNAM № 11472-0006.

Mech­a­nism is stored in the Museum of the His­tory of Physics and Math­e­mat­ics of Saint Peters­burg State Uni­ver­sity (Peter­hof, Rus­sia).


I. I. Arto­bolevsky, N. I. Lev­it­sky. Tcheby­shev's Mech­a­nisms / In: P. L. Tcheby­shev’s Sci­en­tific Her­itage. Iss. 2. The­ory of mech­a­nisms. — Moscow-Leningrad: AS USSR. 1945. P. 39–40. (Russ­ian)

I. I. Arto­bolevsky, N. I. Lev­it­sky. Mod­els of mech­a­nisms of P. L. Tcheby­shev / In: The com­plete works of P. L. Tcheby­shev. Vol. IV. The­ory of mech­a­nisms. — Moscow-Leningrad: AS USSR. 1948. P. 223–224. (Russ­ian)

All Mechanisms

Kinematic scheme
Kinematic scheme
Model by Tchebyshev (Polytechnical museum)
Model by Tchebyshev (CNAM)
Model by Tchebyshev (CNAM)
Model by Tchebyshev (Museum of St. Petersburg University)
Model by Tchebyshev (Museum of St. Petersburg University)
Model by Tchebyshev (Museum of St. Petersburg University)