ReconstructionReconstructionReconstructionReconstructionMuseums and archives Mechanism is stored in the Museum of the History of Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia).Model by Tchebyshev (Bauman Technical Iniversity)Other sources Parallelogram. M. Venetskij. Tchebyshev’s parallelogram // Morskoj sbornik (Naval Review). 1871. № 3. P. 5. (Russian)Model by Tchebyshev (reproduction)Model by Tchebyshev (reproduction)Model Geometric 3D model by Mathematical Etudes.All MechanismsPlantigrade machineSorting mechanismArithmometer. First modelWheelchairPaddling mechanismPlantigrade machine (in metal)BicycleArithmometer. Second model with the multiplying attachmentAdjustable arc curve rulerLever-screw curvature measuring deviceSteam engineCentrifugal governorEpicyclic gear of arithmometerGear setBalanceParallelogramPress mechanismFour-bar reversing approximate circle-tracing mechanism Six-bar reversing mechanismParadoxical mechanismTwo-dwell mechanismOne-dwell mechanismLong-dwell mechanismReversing and dwell mechanismMultiple-bar two-dwell mechanismMechanism providing two driven link oscillations per crank revolutionMechanism for transforming rotation into translational motionMechanism for transforming rotation into oscillationCircle guiding mechanism with a dwellMechanism with a variable lever travelSlider-crank mechanism of the steam engineStoolFour-bar approximate straight line mechanismНазвание
Museums and archives Mechanism is stored in the Museum of the History of Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia).Model by Tchebyshev (Bauman Technical Iniversity)Other sources Parallelogram. M. Venetskij. Tchebyshev’s parallelogram // Morskoj sbornik (Naval Review). 1871. № 3. P. 5. (Russian)Model by Tchebyshev (reproduction)Model by Tchebyshev (reproduction)Model Geometric 3D model by Mathematical Etudes.All MechanismsPlantigrade machineSorting mechanismArithmometer. First modelWheelchairPaddling mechanismPlantigrade machine (in metal)BicycleArithmometer. Second model with the multiplying attachmentAdjustable arc curve rulerLever-screw curvature measuring deviceSteam engineCentrifugal governorEpicyclic gear of arithmometerGear setBalanceParallelogramPress mechanismFour-bar reversing approximate circle-tracing mechanism Six-bar reversing mechanismParadoxical mechanismTwo-dwell mechanismOne-dwell mechanismLong-dwell mechanismReversing and dwell mechanismMultiple-bar two-dwell mechanismMechanism providing two driven link oscillations per crank revolutionMechanism for transforming rotation into translational motionMechanism for transforming rotation into oscillationCircle guiding mechanism with a dwellMechanism with a variable lever travelSlider-crank mechanism of the steam engineStoolFour-bar approximate straight line mechanismНазвание
Other sources Parallelogram. M. Venetskij. Tchebyshev’s parallelogram // Morskoj sbornik (Naval Review). 1871. № 3. P. 5. (Russian)Model by Tchebyshev (reproduction)Model by Tchebyshev (reproduction)Model Geometric 3D model by Mathematical Etudes.All MechanismsPlantigrade machineSorting mechanismArithmometer. First modelWheelchairPaddling mechanismPlantigrade machine (in metal)BicycleArithmometer. Second model with the multiplying attachmentAdjustable arc curve rulerLever-screw curvature measuring deviceSteam engineCentrifugal governorEpicyclic gear of arithmometerGear setBalanceParallelogramPress mechanismFour-bar reversing approximate circle-tracing mechanism Six-bar reversing mechanismParadoxical mechanismTwo-dwell mechanismOne-dwell mechanismLong-dwell mechanismReversing and dwell mechanismMultiple-bar two-dwell mechanismMechanism providing two driven link oscillations per crank revolutionMechanism for transforming rotation into translational motionMechanism for transforming rotation into oscillationCircle guiding mechanism with a dwellMechanism with a variable lever travelSlider-crank mechanism of the steam engineStoolFour-bar approximate straight line mechanismНазвание
Model Geometric 3D model by Mathematical Etudes.All MechanismsPlantigrade machineSorting mechanismArithmometer. First modelWheelchairPaddling mechanismPlantigrade machine (in metal)BicycleArithmometer. Second model with the multiplying attachmentAdjustable arc curve rulerLever-screw curvature measuring deviceSteam engineCentrifugal governorEpicyclic gear of arithmometerGear setBalanceParallelogramPress mechanismFour-bar reversing approximate circle-tracing mechanism Six-bar reversing mechanismParadoxical mechanismTwo-dwell mechanismOne-dwell mechanismLong-dwell mechanismReversing and dwell mechanismMultiple-bar two-dwell mechanismMechanism providing two driven link oscillations per crank revolutionMechanism for transforming rotation into translational motionMechanism for transforming rotation into oscillationCircle guiding mechanism with a dwellMechanism with a variable lever travelSlider-crank mechanism of the steam engineStoolFour-bar approximate straight line mechanismНазвание
All MechanismsPlantigrade machineSorting mechanismArithmometer. First modelWheelchairPaddling mechanismPlantigrade machine (in metal)BicycleArithmometer. Second model with the multiplying attachmentAdjustable arc curve rulerLever-screw curvature measuring deviceSteam engineCentrifugal governorEpicyclic gear of arithmometerGear setBalanceParallelogramPress mechanismFour-bar reversing approximate circle-tracing mechanism Six-bar reversing mechanismParadoxical mechanismTwo-dwell mechanismOne-dwell mechanismLong-dwell mechanismReversing and dwell mechanismMultiple-bar two-dwell mechanismMechanism providing two driven link oscillations per crank revolutionMechanism for transforming rotation into translational motionMechanism for transforming rotation into oscillationCircle guiding mechanism with a dwellMechanism with a variable lever travelSlider-crank mechanism of the steam engineStoolFour-bar approximate straight line mechanism